Ed, Douglas S, Lowry, S, Anywhere VII, Conveyor, 2018
Sachs, Zachary, Sites of Knowledge, ARTFORUM Critics Picks
Sites of Knowledge at Jane Lombard Gallery, New York BLOUINARTINFO, June 16, 2017
Radio New Zealand. Saturday Morning with Kim Hill.
Bryt, Anthony. Feature Interview with Simone Douglas, Metro Magazine, Australia
Ed, Douglas S, Lowry, S, Anywhere VI, Conveyor
Dr Foster, A, Disquietude: Landscape and the Australian Imagination, Auckland Festival of Photography, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Auckland, New Zealand
Blind, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China
Promise. Interview ABC National Radio, Adelaide, Australia
Promise. Interview ABC Regional Radio. Broken Hill. Australia
Eternal Return (Sun to Sun) & Promise Interview. 2SER Radio, Sydney, Australia
Junker, Ute, Art & The Outback, Qantas Magazine, Sydney, Australia
Dr Foster, A, Disquietude: Landscape and the Australian Imagination, Auckland Festival of Photography, Columbia International Festival of Photography. Bogota, Colombia.
Promise. Interview. ABC Regional Radio. Broken Hill. Australia.
Simone Douglas & Chris Bucklow. Interviewed by Barbara Dowse, Sun to Sun, Artereal.,
Sun to Sun., Time Out. Sydney., 2014/Oct
Wolff,S. Sun to Sun, Art Life, 2014/Sep
Eveson, Imogen, Sun to Sun at Artereal Gallery, Broadsheet, 2014/Sep
Walcott, Rhianna, External Return, Artereal blogspot, 2014/Sep
Zhou, Amelia, Christopher Bucklow and Simone Douglas: Sun to Sun, Concrete Playground, 2014/Aug
Hanrahan,C & Croggan, N. Sequester, Sequester.
Ed. Hanrahan,C & Croggan, N. Sequester, Embassy of Australia, Washington DC, USA
Rachel Bentley (producer). ArtExpress, TVS. Three part Documentary series. Featured Artists: Simone Douglas, Ben Qulity, Paul Riggio. Documentary series commissioned by the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney Australia.
Art Chat, Simone Douglas in conversation with Thomas Robertson, Art Gallery of NSW, Australia
AETHER-ART: Simone Douglas at Artereal and Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Walcott, Rhianna, Simone Douglas: Eve” Web
RE: Conceptualizing Vision, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China
Douglas, Simone, The Total Archive, Conveyor, United States
Stand in Landscape, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China
Stand-In: Landscape. Jim Ramer, Arthur Ou and Simone Douglas's Work, Pics. August, no 022, China
Ed.Ou, Arthur. Blind Spot. Photo-Based Art Inc., Issue 40, Hackensack, NJ, United States
Perriz, Ingrid, Australian Artists in the United States of America, Art & Australia, Vol. 44 Winter No. 4. pp. 600–605. Paddington, Australia
Kirkner, Anne, Zero, Photofile, Winter, Australian Centre for Photography. Paddington, Australia
Erlhoff, Michael. Sky of the Skies, pub. Artereal. Sydney, Australia.
Halstead. D and Tuato’o Ross Cathy, Blind Visions, Zero, New Zealand.
Key Note Essay, Lionel B, Zero
Halstead.D, Tuato’o Ross. C, The indexical, Zero, New Zealand
Douse, Barbara, Light, Artereal Gallery, April, Sydney, Australia
Clement, Tracey, Sky of the Skies, Sydney Morning Herald, March Sydney, Australia
Douglas, S, Quiet Passage, Breathing Space, Artereal Gallery, Sydney.
Garside, Sioux (ed), Sightseeing, CoFA, University of New South Wales Kensington, Australia.
Maral, Louise (ed.), Sightseeing in Beijing–Sydney, The University of Sydney News, Sydney, Australia
Glenn, Matt, Beautiful Decay, SCA Fold, Sydney, Australia
Erlhoff, Michael, et all, Blind Visions. pub. Birkhäuser Architecture, Basel, Switzerland, Boston, Massachusetts. Berlin, Germany
Douglas, S, Mediations, Mediations I-XII
Sightseeing, pub. University of Sydney and China Academy of Arts, Beijing, China
International Edition, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Volume 36, No. 16 Douglas, S, Marking Time, Set.
Harmonia, West Space, Melbourne, Australia
Silver, pub. by IDG Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Smee, Sebastian. Bare essentials, Sydney Morning Herald, 28/4/00, Sydney, Australia
McFarlane, Robert. Stripping down to the bare minimum, Sydney Morning Herald, October 5 2000. Sydney, Australia
Douglas, S, Picture Sydney; Landmarks of a New Generation, pub. Australian Museum. pp 3–7. Keynote essay & Photo Editor.
Peterson, Tanya. An Uncertain Exchange, Artwrite, The College of Fine Arts, University of NSW, Australia, Issue No. 10
Our Mothers, pub. Tabori & Chang Inc. New York, NY
Chui, Melissa, Passage: Douglas, S. & Schumack, K pub. 4A Gallery, Sydney, Australia
McDonald, John. Photography is Dead! Long Live Photography! Sydney Morning Herald, 26/8/1997, Spectrum, p 14, Sydney, Australia
1997 Cavernett, Wendy, Simone Douglas at the MCA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia
Michael, Linda, Introduction, Photography is Dead! Long Live Photography! Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia
Alexander, George, Freeze + Die + Revive, Photography is Dead! Long Live Photography! pub. Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia.
Jolly, Martin, Photography’s Afterlife, Photography is Dead! Long Live Photography! Pub. Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia
Peter Ride. Aberrations, Photofile. July/August, The Australian Centre for Photography, Issue #45. Paddington, Australia,
Titterington, Chris. Simone Douglas, Aberrations, Creative Camera, Dec/Jan issue, Cornerhouse publications, United Kingdom
Recent Acquisitions, The Victoria and Albert Museum. London, United Kingdom
Charity, Ruth. Simone Douglas: Aberrations, pub. The Photographers Gallery, London, United Kingdom